To learn more about the Minute Man Airfield, check them out here. View the heavens after dusk for an evening of Stargazing through a variety of telescopes.

Next Public Star Watch at the Minute Man Airfield!

Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024

Looks like it's a go for tonight! See you there!

Stargazing begins at 5:00pm and ends at 8:30pm

Well, we’re definitely into the fall season! SAS members will set up their telescopes for guest viewing. This Star Watch has a wonderful show, featuring glorious Saturn with near edge-on rings, Venus if you come early, Jupiter if you stay late, and, of course, the original Terminator on the Moon all night long! See the galaxies of Pegasus and Andromeda, as well as a host of colorful double stars! In conjunction with visual scopes, we will also have a digital imaging system showing some of the fainter deep sky objects.


Scary masks are not required but will be available. If you have COVID-like symptoms or have been in contact with someone ill, we ask that you refrain from attending. 


Parking and Location

SAS members with telescopes will be located near the area shown in red in the image on the left side of this page. Look for signs and glow sticks to direct the way. Visitors can park in the parking lot shown in blue. Please try to minimize the use of headlights when possible.

Tips and Information

Watch your step, the ground may be uneven in places, use a red LED flashlight or a flashlight covered in red cellophane, to help you find your way but not ruin the dark adaptation for those who are viewing through the telescopes. Dress warmly as the temperatures tend to drop off after dusk

Any cancellation due to weather will be posted here and on the main web page by 3PM on the day of the event.